Bronze Tiger
________________________________Int: 7 Will: 8 Mind: 7
Infl: 7 Aura: 5 Spirit: 7
Initiative: 28 Hero Points: 60
Skills: *linked
Acrobatics: 10*
Charisma: 7*
Martial Artist: 10*
Military Scientist (Tracking, Camouflage): 7*
Thief: 10*
Advantages: Connection: Lady Shiva (High), Richard Dragon (High), Suicide Squad (High); Intensive Training; Iron Nerves, Leadership; Lightning Reflexes
Drawbacks: Minor Psychological Instability; Minor Rage; Traumatic Flashbacks (When confronted with the Bronze Tiger mask must make Will/Will check against his own Will/Will. Failure means he can take no actions that phase as he relives the memories. Attack against at at -1 CS to OV and no hero points may be spent in the attempt. Note: If puts the mask ON, the Traumatic flashback go away, but he gains Catastrophic Rage and will obey the commands of The Sensei.
Alter Ego: Ben Turner
Motivation: Responsibility of Power
Occupation: Mercenary
Wealth: 5
Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition; 2nd Edition Background/Roster Book, page 53
Ed's Notes: 2nd Edition leaves out the Traumatic Flashbacks and Minor Rage drawbacks.
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