Int: 7 Will: 6 Mind: 5
Infl: 6 Aura: 5 Spirit: 6
Initiative: 20 Hero Points: 45
Advantages: Popularity (in Europe)
Alter Ego: Daniel Cormac
Motivation: Power Lust
Occupation: Former Hero
Wealth: 10
Lantern [Body: 10, Dispersal: 12, Flash: 12, Force Field: 13, Lightning: 15, R#: 2] Limitation: Can only call upon the Lantern's powers one at a time.
Source: Justice League Sourcebook, page 98
also see: Queen Bee II
Ed's Notes: So... He does a Face-Heel Turn and his Lantern gets nerfed, but his Wealth goes from 4 to 10? Who says crime doesn't PAY?! he worked for the second Queen Bee, but the Sourcebook doesn't show a connection. *shrug*
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