________________________________Infl: 3 Aura: 2 Spirit: 4
Initiative: 9 Hero Points: 20
Force Field: 1
Mental Blast: 1
Mind Probe: 1
Pyrotechnics: 1
Telekinesis: 1
Telepathy: 1
Limitations: Miscellaneous: Powers have yet to fully develop. At present they rarely work; Miscellaneous: Force Field can only cover Sinbad and one other person.
Advantages: Connections: LexCorp (Low), Superman (Low)
Alter Ego: Davood Nassur
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Mind Agent
Wealth: 0
ENHANCER BELT [Body: 7, Enchantment: 20, R#3] While Sinbad is wearing the belt, he has the following powers: Force Field: 21, Mental Blast: 20, Mind Probe: 15, Pyrotechnics: 16, Telekinesis: 21, Telepathy: 21
Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition
also see: 2nd edition
Ed's Notes: At some point the Belt was destroyed, making him a LOT less powerful. Also, it seems that a kid who gets a hold of a belt that gives him nearly godlike power would be more likely to become a villain-of-the-week, but maybe I'm just cynical. Lol.
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