
Int: 12 Will: 6 Mind: 7
Infl: 7 Aura: 6 Spirit: 7
Initiative: 19 Hero Points: 65
Aura of Fear: 7
Self Link (Spirit Travel): 9
Invisibility: 15
Gadgetry: 15
Scientist: 13
Advantages: Connections: Apokolips (High); Genius; Scholar (Fear)
Drawbacks: Miscellaneous: Has no real physical form
Alter Ego: None
Motivation: Psychopath
Occupation: Servant of Darkseid
Wealth: n/a
ANIMATES [Dex: 7, Str: 7, Body: 7, Int: 2, Will: 2, Mind: 2] Can mentally control up to 6 at a time, and possess one, giving himself a temporary corporeal form. Once possessed the Animate instantly resembles Bedlam's former appearance.
Paranoid Pill [Fog: 25, Broadcast Empath: 8] The gas released by the pill attacks everyone it touches with Broadcast Empath, causing the targets to become overcome by paranoia, fear and hatred.
Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition; Apokolips Sourcebook, page 15
Ed's Notes: Question: If he is possessing an Animate, and now has a Dex of 7, does his initiative increase to 26? I feel like it should.
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