Jeff Smith
Initiative: 14 Hero Points: 20________________________________
Gadgetry: 9
Scientist: 10
Advantages: Connections: Metal Men (Low), S.T.A.R. Labs (Low); Genius; Scholar (temporal physics, time travel)
Drawbacks: Minor Irrational Attraction to Bonnie Baxter
Alter Ego: None
Motivation: Thrill of Adventure
Occupation: Scientist
Wealth: 7
BACKPACK TIME TRAVELERS [Body: 5, Time Travel: 25, R#: 3] Will transport a single wearer and their gear. Limitation: A person can only travel through time once (round trip) using this method.
Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition
Ed's Notes: All of the Time Masters have access to the same equipment, but it is less likely that they will use the Time Capsule without Rip Hunter.
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