Silver Swan

Silver Swan
Dex:   6   Str:   3   Body:    5
Int:   4   Will:  3   Mind:    4
Infl:  4   Aura:  3   Spirit:  4
Initiative: 14  Hero Points:  40


Flight: 8
Force Field: 10
Mind Blast: 7
Sonic Beam: 13

Limitations: Miscellaneous: Flight power is uncontrollable, and cannot be used with her cybernetic wings.

Drawbacks: Attractive; Connection: Wonder Woman (Low)

Alter Ego: Valerie Beaudry

Motivation: Unwanted Power
Occupation: ?
Wealth: 6


WINGS [Body: 9]

Source: Who's Who 3rd Edition
foe of: Wonder Woman

Ed's Notes: Villain with a heroes motivation. Although, I can see how "Unwanted Power"can end up as a villainous motivation as well.

First Appearance: Wonder Woman #288 (February, 1982)


  1. Love this site!
    A question I have is about Silver Swan's wings and limitations:
    "Flight power is uncontrollable, and cannot be used with her cybernetic wings."
    Does this mean that she doesn't always have her wings on, but when she wants to use her flight ability, she has to have them on?
    Or do the wings have the flight ability?

    1. I think he meant "without", not "with". Flight is intrinsic, but she needs the wings to steer.
