
Int: 4 Will: 6 Mind: 6
Infl: 4 Aura: 4 Spirit: 6
Initiative:20/14 Hero Points: 35
Acrobatics: 5
Vehicles: 4
Weaponry: 7
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Apokolips);
Connections: Female Furies (High); Lightning Reflexes
Alter Ego: None
Motivation: Thrill Seeker
Occupation: Female Fury Cadet
Wealth: N/A
Zip-Gloves [Dex: 10, Str: 8, Body: 8, Superspeed: 5] Limitation: Superspeed only subtracts from the time to perform tasks.
SKATES [Body: 8, EV: 8, Running: 8, Cling: 3] Limitation: Skates leave a constant wake of destruction beneath their treads.
Who's Who, 3rd Edition;
Ed's Notes: How 1980's is a ROLLER-SKATING Super-Villain?!
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