

BUILDING [Body: 15 (exterior), Body: 13 (interior); Laboratory: 20 (in Metropolis, 16 elsewhere)]

Wealth: 30 (whole company)
                  25 (Metropolis HQ)
                  24 (other locations)

LEXWING ARICRAFT [Str: 8, Body: 10, Flight: 13, Radar Sense: 20, R#: 2]

PROTOTYPE BATTLESUIT [Dex: 7, Str: 10, Body: 10, Energy Blast: 10, Flight: 7, Sealed Systems: 14, X-Ray Vision: 11, Telescopic Vision: 11, R#: 4] Drawbacks: Miscellaneous: Permanently reduces it s wear's Int to 1 if it is worn for more than an hour at a time.

POWER BROADCAST SATELLITE [Body: 7, Flight: 6, Enchantment: 8] Bonus: Enchantment can be used to activate character's Power involuntarily, or alter them.

KLAASH [Dex: 12, Str: 20, Body: 15, Flight: 13, Invisibility: 12]

Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition

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