Int: 10 Will: 9 Mind: 8
Infl: 6 Aura: 5 Spirit: 6
Initiative: 19 Hero Points: 50
Charisma: 9
Advantages: Connections: Jor-El (High); Rich Family
Drawbacks: Miscellaneous: Like all Kryptonians, has a genetic flaw that would prove fatal if she left the planet Krypton
Alter Ego: None
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Artist
Wealth: 13
Source: Superman: Man of Steel Sourcebook, page 10; Atlas of the DC Universe, page 118
Ed's Notes: Personally, I don't see using Superman's parent in a game, but in case you wanted to know, here they are. Two things... Occupation... NONE?! Not even "housewife?!" Wow. Also... They got it right on Jor-El's entry but somehow missed it here:
Drawback: Married
If you rely on other sources, her occupation would be artist.
ReplyDeleteI do, especially for this like Occupation and Alter Ego, which DCH doesn't always include, but outside sources often do. Thanks! I'll make that change. :)