Dex: 10 Str: 19 Body: 14
Int: 5 Will: 5 Mind: 6
Infl: 3 Aura: 7 Spirit: 7
Initiative: 32 Hero Points: 50
Charisma (Intimidation, Interrogation): 10
Martial Artist: 15
Weaponry: 13
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Warworld); Connection: Warworld (High); Leadership; Lightning Reflexes; Scholar (conquest)
Drawbacks: Authority Figure; Serious Irrational Attraction to conquest; Serious Rage; Fatal Vulnerability: If the life-support device on his chest is removed, he will begin to die.
Alter Ego: None
Motivation: Power Lust
Occupation: former Emperor
Wealth: 23
Source: Superman: Man of Steel Sourcebook, page 92
foe of: Superman
Ed's Notes: The Warworld stories, both in the comics and on the Justice League Animated Series are both very well done. I wish they had stats on things like Warworld's disintegrater ray, force fields, the life-support device attached to his chest, etc...
I would just like to point out that the original Mongul (pre-nerfing) beat Superman in a straight-up fight and would've killed Wonder Woman if Robin hadn't intervened. I'm thinking Strength of 27 and Body 20+.
ReplyDeleteActually, after Superman broke free of the Black Mercy, Superman was winning that fight. His issue began when he stopped and noticed the damage he had done to his Fortress, specifically the statues of his parents, and Mongul sucker punched him. That Mongul would've had stats like, but not exceeding Superman
ReplyDeleteYou're right about that fight, but I believe that was his third battle with Superman, and in each one he did progressively worse.
DeleteThe same could be said for Doomsday, who killed Superman and defeated the entire Justice League the first time they fought, but was later nerfed to the point that Wonder Woman took him out alone, and an army of Doomsdays wasn't particularly threatening.