Dex: 10 Str: 19 Body: 14
Int: 5 Will: 5 Mind: 6
Infl: 3 Aura: 7 Spirit: 7
Initiative: 32 Hero Points: 50
Charisma (Intimidation, Interrogation): 10
Martial Artist: 15
Weaponry: 13
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Warworld); Connection: Warworld (High); Leadership; Lightning Reflexes; Scholar (conquest)
Drawbacks: Authority Figure; Serious Irrational Attraction to conquest; Serious Rage; Fatal Vulnerability: If the life-support device on his chest is removed, he will begin to die.
Alter Ego: None
Motivation: Power Lust
Occupation: former Emperor
Wealth: 23
Source: Superman: Man of Steel Sourcebook, page 92
foe of: Superman
Ed's Notes: The Warworld stories, both in the comics and on the Justice League Animated Series are both very well done. I wish they had stats on things like Warworld's disintegrater ray, force fields, the life-support device attached to his chest, etc...
I would just like to point out that the original Mongul (pre-nerfing) beat Superman in a straight-up fight and would've killed Wonder Woman if Robin hadn't intervened. I'm thinking Strength of 27 and Body 20+.