Death Mayhew
Int: 8 Will: 8 Mind: 8
Infl: 9 Aura: 8 Spirit: 7
Initiative: 27 Hero Points: 40
Artist (Actor): 6
Charisma: 9
Martial Artist: 6
Military Science: 7
Vehicles: 7
Weaponry: 6
Advantages: Attractive; Connections: Hollywood (High), Nazi Germany (High); Leadership; Lightning Reflexes; Rank (Colonel, provisional)
Drawbacks: Serious Physical Restriction (slowly dying of cancer)
Alter Ego: None
Motivation: Nihilist
Occupation: Actor, Pilot
Wealth: 7
P08 Luger [Body: 4, EV: 5, Ammo: 5, Range: 4, R#: 2]
FOCKEWULF 190 FIGHTER PLANE [Str: 5, Body: 7, EV: 8, Flight: 9, R#: 2]
Source: World at War Sourcebook, page 112
affiliations: White Lions
Ed's Notes: Mayhew was the CO and Ace Pilot of the White Lions, the Nazi's answer to the Allies' Blackhakws. He is perhaps a bit smarter and more charming than Blackhawk himself, but he is nowhere near as good a pilot.
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