Dex: 4 Str: 4 Body: 3
Int: 3 Will: 4 Mind: 3
Infl: 3 Aura: 3 Spirit: 2
Initiative: 10 Hero Points: 15
Gadgetry: 2
Thief: 4
Vehicles: 3
Weaponry: 5
Advantages: Connection: Street (Low)
Alter Ego: Bob Krankk
Motivation: Power Lust
Occupation: Criminal
Wealth: 4
BUZZBOMB SUIT [Body: 6, Flight: 7, R#: 5]
Electro Gun [Body: 3, EV: 7, R#: 5]
Source: Watchmen Sourcebook, Page 124
Ed's Notes: I got nothing. He might be the one guy who could actual pose a decent challenge to either team, minus Doctor Manhattan, obviously, and I can't find a picture of him anywhere, or even verify which issue he appeared in. 💣
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