Dex: 12 Str: 4 Body: 6
Int: 8 Will: 7 Mind: 7
Infl: 8 Aura: 7 Spirit: 7
Initiative: 30 Hero Points: 70
Flight: 42 (see below)
Life Sense: 30
Sealed Systems: 20
Acrobatics: 5
Detective: 5
Martial Artist: 5
Military Science: (Tracking): 8
Weaponry: 8
Advantages: Connections: Legion of Superheroes (High); Sharp Eye
Drawbacks: Minor Psychological Instability; Traumatic Flashbacks (see below)
Alter Ego: Bounty (see below)
Motivation: Responsibility of Power
Occupation: Hero
Wealth: 6
Source: 3rd Edition Who's Who; 2995 Legion of Superheroes Sourcebook, page 52
Ed's Notes: OK... So at some point she loses her wings and her flight Power with them. AND she was possess by the Bounty Entity around this time. I assume that the Psychological Instability and Traumatic Flashbacks are related to these events. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, because I don't really know, but I guess you could keep the Power and ditch the Drawbacks, if that the version you want to play.
Also... WINGED Flight of 42?! Holy crap! LIGHT SPEED is ~30 IIRC. She can out pace a GREEN LANTERN RING four times over with her WINGS?! Holy crap!
And given the ratings of her Powers, she must be far and away the most expensive low-powered character in history, cost wise.
2nd Edition rates her Dex at 11, Int and Aura at 5 and Infl at 6.
First Appearance: Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #226 (April, 1977) |
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