Dex: 3 Str: 2 Body: 2
Int: 3 Will: 2 Mind: 2
Infl: 2 Aura: 2 Spirit: 2
Initiative: 8 Hero Points: 0
Shrinking: 9
Gadgetry: 5
Scientist: 5
Advantages: Genius; Scholar (micro circuitry)
Alter Ego: varies
Motivation: varies
Occupation: varies
Wealth: varies
Source: Atlas of the DC Universe, page 147
prominent members: Salu Digby
Ed's Notes: Another intriguing race that could be very interesting to used in an enslavement / invasion story. One thing to understand though: A shrinking of 9 makes you about half the size of of a mouse, or four time the size of a medium sized insect. But... they can be hard to spot and hard to hit.
Ed's Notes: Another intriguing race that could be very interesting to used in an enslavement / invasion story. One thing to understand though: A shrinking of 9 makes you about half the size of of a mouse, or four time the size of a medium sized insect. But... they can be hard to spot and hard to hit.
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