Typical Thunderer

Typical Thunderer
Dex:   9   Str:   7   Body:    7
Int:   6   Will:  7   Mind:    6
Infl:  5   Aura:  4   Spirit:  5
Initiative: 24  Hero Points:  45

Skills: *linked
Martial Artist: 9*
Thief: 9*
Vehicles: 9*
Weaponry: 9*

Advantages: Area Knowledge (Qward); Connections: Anti-Monitor (Low), Sinestro (Low), Weaponers of Qward (Low); Intensive Training; Lightning Reflexes

Alter Ego: varies
Motivation: Nihilist
Occupation: Soldiers
Wealth: 4

Thunderbolts/Qwa-Bolts [Body: 1, Lightning: 15, R#: 2] Bonus: Are yellow, so immune to the direct effects of a Green Lantern's Power Ring.

Shield [Body: 8, Force Shield: 8, R#: 2]

VEKO [Str: 15, Body: 13, Running: 4, Lightning: 12, Projectile Weapons: 8, Telepathy: 16, Hardened Defenses]

Source: Atlas of the DC Universe, page 195

Ed's Notes: These guys were the foot-soldiers in the army of the ANTI-MONITOR. Is there really anything else to say? A VEKO is a kind of TANK, btw.

First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol 2 #2 (October, 1960)

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