Leland McCauley IV

Leland McCauley IV
Dex:   2   Str:   3   Body:    3
Int:   7   Will:  4   Mind:    4
Infl:  4   Aura:  4   Spirit:  4
Initiative: 13  Hero Points:  60

Charisma: 8

Advantages: Omni-Connection; Scholar (business)

Drawbacks: Serious Psychological Instability

Alter Ego: none
Motivation: Power Lust
Occupation: Businessman
Wealth: 10

Source: 2995 Legion of Superheroes Sourcebook, page 110

Ed's Notes: A 30th Century business rival of R.J. Brande's.

First Appearance: Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #214 (Jan 1976)

1 comment:

  1. The picture here is of Leland III, the father of the character statted here.
