
Growth, 3rd Edition
Class:     Physical    Link:        Str
Range:     Self        Type:        Auto
Base Cost: 35          Factor Cost: 10       

Description: This Power allows a Character to increase their size. For each AP of Growth Power engaged (a Character need not grow to maximum size) the following effects occur:
  • 1 AP is added to the Character's RV against Physical Attacks
  • 1 AP is added to the Character's weight and volume
  • 1 AP is added to the Character's Str
Additionally, for every three AP's of Growth engaged, a Character's height is increased by 1 AP (starting at a base of 0 AP's) and he gains +1 AP to his Running (1 to 2 AP's of Growth engaged has no effect on Running, while 3 to 5 adds 1 AP, and 6 to 8 adds 2 AP's, etc...)

As a Character becomes larger, they are also easier to see (and hit with attacks.) As a result, for every two AP's of Growth engaged, a Character's OV against Physical Attacks and Perception checks decreases  by 1 AP (1 AP of Growth engaged has no effect on OV, while 2 to 3 AP's engaged decreases the Character's OV by 1, and 4 to 5 AP's engaged decreases the Character's OV by 2 AP's, etc...)

When purchasing this Power, a Character has the option of selecting a special -5 Factor Cost Limitation: Growth Does Not Cause Str Increase.

Leviation of the Legionnaires has this Power

Source: 3rd Edition Rulebook, page 46

Growth, 2nd Edition
Class:     Physical    Link:        Str
Range:     Self        Type:        Auto
Base Cost: 35          Factor Cost: 10       
 Description: Growth allows a Character to increase their size. For each AP of Growth Power engaged (a Character need not grow to maximum size) the following effects occur:
  • 3 feet are added to the Character's height
  • 1 AP is added to the Character's RV against Physical Attacks
  • 1 AP is added to the Character's weight and volume
  • 1 AP is added to the Character's Str
Additionally, for every two AP's of Growth engaged, a Character's OV decreases  by 1 AP (1 AP of Growth engaged has no effect on OV, while 2 to 3 AP's engaged decreases the Character's OV by 1, and 4 to 5 AP's engaged decreases the Character's OV by 2 AP's, etc...)

When purchasing this Power, a Character has the option of selecting a special -5 Factor Cost Limitation: Growth Does Not Cause Str Increase.

Colossal Boy of the Legion of Superheroes and Nuklon of Infinity Inc. have this Power.

Source: 2nd Edition Character Handbook, page 27

Growth, 1st Edition
Class:     Physical    Link:        Str
Range:     Self        Type:        Auto
Base Cost: 20                                
 Description: Growth allows a Character to increase their size. The effects per AP are:
  • 1 AP is added to the Character's RV if the Character is Physically Attacked.
  • -1 AP to the OV of the Character using Growth against Physical Attacks
The RAP's (sic) (AP's?) are also added to the characters volume and weight. A character need not grow to their maximum weight and volume.

Source: 1st Edition Power and Skill, page 6

Ed's Notes: I've included 1st, 2nd and 3rd Edition entries here because they have a small difference. 1st edition makes no effort to even TRY to calculate your height. It's just a function of volume. 2nd Edition has 1 AP increasing your height by 3 feet. And 3rd Edition has 3 AP's doubling your height. And honestly... on the 1st Edition makes sense, but... That's really becuase it doesn't try to TELL YOU anything! Lol If height is linear (as in the 2nd Edition, 1 AP = 3 feet) and volume DOUBLES per AP, then basically you're going to be growing WIDE a lot faster than you'll be growing TALL. Meanwhile, in 3rd, it's not exactly easy to determine how tall you are in between doubling vs. how wide your getting when you volume doubles. Since, if we liken the human body to a cylinder, [Volume = π x Radius^2 x Height,] if you double Volume without increasing height AT ALL, then do it again... you grow VERY wide. Then you down't grow out at all when your height doubles. You could assume that the height increase is roughly linear in between doublings, but... yeah, good luck figuring that exact value out! (Because you need to account for the radius increase as well!) And, in case you we thinking of the obvious answer, you can't double height and volume with EVERY AP or you've never get ANY wider, just stretching vertically, which also makes no sense. In any case, the 3rd Edition method is a little bit closer to reality, that 2nd  even if still a bit messy. (But at least it TRIES, unlike first which is always correct, but never useful.) In any case, if you're converting over a 1st or 2nd Edition Character, you MAY want to adjust their Growth Power rating, or at least acknowledge that they are going to get taller that before, especially as compared to 2nd eidtion.  (And the average human is actually just over -1 AP in height (5 feet,) just to make this whole thing even weirder. Good luck! Lol.)

One Question... When a Character has a Growth Power with the Always On Limitation - and this is usually followed by some version of, "...and is already figured into the stats above," I realize they get no Str or RV bonus, since Str and Body would already account for that, but what about their OV? Do they still get a -1 AP OV penalty for every 2 AP's of Growth? I say they DO, but...It's not much of a "Power" at that point. All the penalty and none of the bonus? (OK, not the GOOD bonuses anyway... They can run faster and get knocked back less. Whoopie.) Since they have to PAY for the Str and Body, I feel like the -1 Factor Cost bonus for "Always On" is ridiculously inadequate, and not much better even if you include the -5 Factor Cost bonus mentioned above. You've already BOUGHT the Str and Body. How much of a 4 Factor Cost power do you really want to buy when ALL IT DOES at that point is make you easier to hit?!

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