Big Daddy

Big Daddy
Dex:   5   Str:   5   Body:    4
Int:   6   Will:  6   Mind:    5
Infl:  5   Aura:  6   Spirit:  5
Initiative: 18  Hero Points:  40

Gadgetry: 6
Martial Artist: 6
Military Science: 7
Weaponry: 6

Advantages: Connections U.S. Government (Low), Web (High); Scholar (English Literature)

Alter Ego
Leonard Rothco

Motivation:  Responsibility of Power
Occupation: Web Agent
Wealth: 6

WEB ARMOR [Body: 10, Str: 9, R#: 3]

ARM MOUNTED TRACTOR BEAM [Body: 6, Attraction/Repulsion: 8]

Microwave Handgun [Body: 4, Flame Project:6, Neutralize: 6] Limitations: Flame Project is only the heat of microwaves, not true fire; Miscellaneous: Neutralize can only Neutralize radio broadcast (Telepathy)

Entrapment Device [Body: 4, Detect: 7, Glue: 7] Limitations: Detect can only detect heat.

Source: DC Heroes Newsletter, Q3 1992, page 7

Ed's Notes: Not exactly a DC character, but they owned !mpact Comics, and Mayfair did up some of these guys in their newsletter, so here you go! 

First Appearance: Legend of the Shield #1 (July, 1991)

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