Checkmate Knight
Dex: 6 Str: 3 Body: 4
Int: 5 Will: 4 Mind: 4
Infl: 4 Aura: 2 Spirit: 4
Initiative: 19 Hero Points: 40
Skills: *linked
Acrobatics: 6*
Charisma: 4*
Detective: 5*
Martial Artist: 6*
Medicine (First Aid): 5*
Military Science: 5*
Thief: 6*
Vehicles: 6*
Weaponry: 6*
Advantages: Connections: Checkmate (High); Intensive Training; Iron Nerves; Lightning Reflexes; Scholar (Criminology, Espionage); Security Clearance (Low); Sharp Eye
Drawbacks: Secret Identity
Alter Ego: n/a
Motivation: Seeking Justice
Occupation: Checkmate Knight
Wealth: 4
BATTLE SUIT [Body: 7, EV: 7]
Comlink (Radio) [Body: 1]
GAUNTLETS [Body: 4, EV: 4, Ammo: 7/3, R#: 3] Bonus: Gauntlets house a .45 Automatic (Ammo: 7) and a Knife-gun (Ammo: 3)
Grappling Hook and Line [Str: 7, Body: 2, R#: 2] Line is 4 AP's long
HELMET [Body: 4, Lightning: 4, Thermal Vision: 5, R#: 2] Limitation: Lightning has range of touch
M-16A1 Assault Rifle [Body: 4, AV: 4, EV: 4, Ammo: 8, R#: 2]
Telescoping Lance [Body: 6, EV: 5, R#: 3] Can be used as club or spear, when extended.
Surveillance Binoculars [Body: 3, Telescopic Vision: 10, Ultra Vision: 5, Super Hearing: 10, R#: 3]
5 AP ACBD Omni-Gadget
Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition; 2nd Edition Background/Roster Book, page 63
Ed's Notes: They weren't paid as well in the 2nd ed. (Wealth: 3) Be aware that these are the stats for an average Knight of Checkmate, and that individuals may have Attribute and Skill ratings 1-2 AP's higher or lower.
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