Clayface III
Dex: 2 Str: 2 Body: 2
Int: 3 Will: 5 Mind: 3
Infl: 7 Aura: 2 Spirit: 6
Initiative: 12 Hero Points: 45
Cell Rot: 9
Scientist: 5
Limitations: Cell Rot is Touch Only, Always On and Killing Combat
Advantages: Connections: Arkham Asylum (Low)
Drawbacks: Serious Irrational Healousy: Payne is convinced that his "wife" is deserting him for other males she comes in contact with; Serious Psychological Instability; Strange Appearance
Alter Ego: Preston Payne
Motivation: Psychopath
Occupation: Scientist
Wealth: 0
CONTAINMENT SUIT [Dex: 7, Str: 6, Body: 8]
Mannequin, "Helena" [Body: 1] Note: Clayface believes the Mannequin to be alive and that he is married to "her."
Source: Who's Who 3rd Edition; Batman Sourcebook, pages 67-68; Batman RPG, page 143
Foe of: Batman
Ed's Notes: Batman RPG omits his Suit's Str. 2nd Edition sources italicize the Suit's Attributes, I am doing the same here.
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