Dex: 5 Str: 6 Body: 7
Int: 6 Will: 6 Mind: 6
Infl: 6 Aura: 5 Spirit: 5
Initiative:20/22 Hero Points: 35
Sonar: 7
Swimming: 5
Water Freedom: 7
Ultra Vision: 6
Artist (Actor): 2
Bonus: Sonar allow rudimentary communication with Dolphins. (Warn them of danger, etc...)
Limitation: Ultra Vision only works underwater.
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Ocean); Connection: Miami's Oceanworld Seaquarium (High); Lightning Reflexes; Scholar (Sign Language); Miscellaneous: Dolphin ages very slowly.
Drawbacks: Innocent; Miscellaneous: Dolphin rarely speaks and prefers to use sign language.
Alter Ego: Unknown
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Perfomer
Wealth: 3
Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition
supporting cast: Dr. Meredith Riley (friend); Chris Laundau (diver, in lover with her)
Ed's Notes: Kind of "on the nose" but how is she not part of the Aquaman family?!
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