Dex: 8 Str: 9 Body: 10
Int: 7 Will: 7 Mind: 4
Infl: 4 Aura: 4 Spirit: 7
Initiative: 21 Hero Points: 70
Air Control: 13
Flight: 10
Invulnerability: 13
Sealed Systems: 10
Telescopic Vision: 7
Gadgetry: 5
Scientist: 5
Limitations: Air Control has a range of 1 AP
Advantages: Buddy (Cathy Sutton); Connections: Justice League of America (High); Lightning Reflexes
Drawbacks: Secret Identity; Miscellaneous: Has a sort of Death Wish that makes him want to sacrifice himself for others
Alter Ego: John Smith
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Office Worker
Wealth: 4
Source: Who's Who 3rd Edition, Justice League Sourcebook
affiliation(s): Justice League of America
Ed's Notes: Much like with Firestorm, I like THIS version of the character much better than the Elemental form. Much like Firestorm, he's just to powerful in his Elemental form to be any challenge as a PC.
Also, the JL Sourcebook (pg. 121) give him the following equipment:
JLA SIGNAL DEVICE [Body: 3, Telepathy: 25] Limitation: Device's Telepathy power represents the range of it's signal
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First Appearance: Justice League of America #64 (August, 1968) |
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