Tom Kalmaku
________________________________Infl: 7 Aura: 7 Spirit: 7
Initiative: 15 Hero Points: 40
Broadcast Empathy: 15
Empathy: 5
Flash: 5
Flight: 5
Gadgetry: 3
Advantages: Connections: Green Lantern (High), New Guardians (High); Scholar (mechanical engineering)
Drawbacks: Married
Alter Ego: None
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Aircraft Mechanic
Wealth: 4
Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition
Ed's Notes: This guy was Hal Jordan's aircraft maintenance mechanic at Ferris. How'd he get into the hero gig? I guess I missed something. Too bad he's stuck in such a gawd-awfully lame team! Lol. Also, I think he should have Advantage: Connection: Ferris Aircraft (Low), at a minimum, as well.
Tom became one of the New Guardians at the end of Millenium.