Golden Glider

Golden Glider
Dex:   6   Str:   2   Body:    3
Int:   5   Will:  5   Mind:    4
Infl:  6   Aura:  5   Spirit:  3
Initiative: 21  Hero Points:  35

Acrobatics: 3
Gadgetry: 5
Martial Artist: 4

Advantages: Connections: Captain Cold (High); Lightning Reflexes

Drawbacks: Public Identity

Alter Ego: Lisa Snart, Lisa Star

Motivation: Mercenary
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Wealth: 3

SKATES [Body: 4, Claws (blades): 4, Ice Production: 6] Limitation: Ice Production can only be used to create an "ice-sled" to skate along.

Hypno-Jewel [Body: 1, Hypnotism: 5]

Force Field Jewel [Body: 1, Force Field: 6]

Teleport Jewel [Body: 1, Teleportation: 5]

Illusion Jewel [Body: 1, Illusion : 5]

Force Beam Jewel [Body: 1, EV: 8]

Acid Jewel [Body: 1, Acid: 6]

Force Beam Jewel [Body: 1, EV: 8]

Mass Jewel [Body: 1, Gravity Increase: 9]

Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition
Foe of: Flash

Ed's Notes: Where the hell did she get all those cool toys, and why the hell is she still hanging around with a loser like Captain Cold?!