
Int: 9 Will: 6 Mind: 6
Infl: 6 Aura: 6 Spirit: 5
Initiative: 21 Hero Points: 55
Gadgetry: 11
Scientist: 9
Thief: 6
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Downside, Thanagar); Connections: Hawkman (Low), Thanagarian Government (Low); Genius, Leadership
Drawbacks: Mistrust; Miscellaneous: Is from one of Thanagar's slave worlds and is considered an inferior race to his Thanagarian superiors
Alter Ego: None
Motivation: Power Lust
Occupation: Delon
Wealth: 8
Energy Rod [Body: 11, Telekinesis: 9, Telepathy: 40] Note: May have other abilities, yet to be revealed.
GAMMA METAL GONG [Body: 11, Control 6 (12)] Bonuses: Can be used on all the inhabitants of a planet at the same time, but is limited to holding the,m in a state of paralysis; If used on a single target, the Control AP's are boosted to 12.
COSMIC BOAT [Body: 11, Flight: 40, Sealed Systems: 25]
Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition; Atlas of the DC Universe, page 111
foe of: Hawkman, JLA
Ed's Notes: He's been depicted as everything from a ruthless Space Pirate to a crooked Politician. I like the Pirate version better, which is where the 2nd Edition has him: No Connections, No Drawbacks, otherwise the same. In his first appearance he nearly took out the Silver Age JLA. Pretty impressive for a such low-level villain. BTW... The "Cosmic Boat" has to be about the WORST (cheesiest looking) spaceship in history. It's a CANOE. Seriously. A god damned CANOE that goes through space. Yeah. Totally not joking here:
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