Int: 5 Will: 4 Mind: 4
Infl: 4 Aura: 3 Spirit: 3
Initiative: 12 Hero Points: 45
Charisma (Persuasion): 8
Gadgetry: 7
Advantages: Connections: Galaxy Broadcasting (Low); Genius; Popularity; Scholar (Practical Jokes, Children's Television)
Drawbacks: Serious Irrational Attraction to humiliating and killing Morgan Edge; Minor Psychological Instability
Alter Ego: Oswald Loomis
Motivation: Thrill Seeker
Occupation: Comedian
Wealth: 5
Chainsaw [Body: 7, Claws: 5, R#: 3]
GIANT SQUIRTING FLOWER [Body: 10, Super Breath: 20, R#: 2] Limitation: Must be connected to a high-pressure water source, such as a large city's water main.
Tear Gas Flower [Body: 1, Fog: 5, Poison Touch: 4, Ammo: 1, R#: 3] Limitation: Fog has a range of 0 AP's and only lasts for 2 AP's. Bonus: Poison Touch attacks all targets within the Fog.
Uncle Oswald Louder [Body: 1, Super Ventriloquism: 3]
X-Ray Specs [Body: 1, X-Ray Vision: 1]
Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition; Superman: Man of Steel Sourcebook, page 97
foe of: Superman, Morgan Edge
Ed's Notes: 2nd Edition was the same except for his equipment. They left out everything listed above, which I would keep, if it was usable in the game, but included something that I would ALSO keep, as it would give him more flexibility within ANY game:
15 AP ABCD Omni-Gadgets (x5)
DAMN! Now thas what I'm talkin' 'bout! FIVE?! At 15 AP's?! NOW he can do a little more that just his someone with a hose, scare them with a chainsaw and peep through their clothes. (But, like I said... If I were to use him, I would still include all of those as well!)
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