Scarlet Skier
________________________________Dex: 4 Str: 3 Body: 4
Int: 2 Will: 2 Mind: 2
Infl: 4 Aura: 2 Spirit: 3
Initiative: 10 Hero Points: 15
Vehicles (Space): 7
Advantages: Connections: G'Nort (High), Mister Nebula (High), Cluster (Low); Scholar (locating, dramatic monologues)
Drawbacks: Serious Irrational Attraction to destroying G'Nort
Alter Ego: Dren Keeg, Prisoner #314-B27
Motivation: Mercenary
Occupation: Intergalactic Decorator
Wealth: 2
COSMIC ARMOR [Str: 4, Body: 6, Sealed System: 15]
COSMIC SKIS & THRUSTER [Body: 4, Flight: 38, R#: 11]
Source: Whos' Who, 3rd Edition
Foe of: JLI, G'Nort
Ed's Notes: No, that R# on his Skis is NOT a Typo. They break down THAT OFTEN. Also... How can fucking G'NORT be your sworn enemy?! (And... a friend?!)
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