Dex: 6 Str: 4 Body: 4
Int: 7 Will: 8 Mind: 7
Infl: 6 Aura: 4 Spirit: 6
Initiative: 19 Hero Points: 40
Charisma: 6
Gadgetry: 11
Scientist: 8
Weaponry: 8
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Lookout Peak); Scholar (business, pollution, robotics)
Drawbacks: Catastrophic Irrational Attraction to cleaning up pollutants and industrial waste
Alter Ego: Tobias Manning
Motivation: Psychopathic
Occupation: Former Industrial Contractor
Wealth: 11
EXO-SKELETON [Str: 12, Body: 11, Air Control: 16]
Energy Pistols (x2) [Body: 6, EV: 11, Range: 7, R#: 3]
Concussion Bombs (x4) [Body: 2, Bomb: 15, Ammo: 1, R#: 2]
Excavation Bazooka [Body: 7, EV: 16, Range: 10, R#: 3]
TERRA-MEN [Dex: 6, Str: 7, Body: 7, Int: 3, Will: 1]
Energy Weapon [Body: 6, EV: 8, Range: 7, R#: 3]
Anti-Pollutant Bomb [Body: 2, AV: 16, EV: 16] Note: the OV/RV of the attack in the AV/EV of the contaminants in the area. RAP's are subtracted from this, and the area is cleaned when this reaches 0.
Source: Who's Who 3rd Edition;
also see: 2nd edition
foe of: Superman
Ed's Notes: How 1980's/1990's is a villain who's an Eco-Terrorist?! Yeah, I get that guys like this go TO FAR, but "Catastrophic Irrational Attraction to cleaning up pollutants and industrial waste," would be a heroic motivation today. 2nd Edition is the same kind of character, but it stat'ed out very differently.
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