Dex: 6 Str: 3 Body: 5
Int: 3 Will: 3 Mind: 3
Infl: 2 Aura: 2 Spirit: 3
Initiative: 11 Hero Points: 20
Self Manipulation: 8
Shape Change: 8
Chameleon: 8
Omni-Arm: 8
Artist (Actor): 6
Advantages: Insta-change
Drawbacks: Serious Irrational Fear of other races / xenophobia
Motivation: Thrill Seeker
Occupation: Varies
Wealth: 3
Source: Who's Who 3rd Edition; 2nd Edition Background/Roster Book, page 95; Atlas of the DC Universe, page 145
prominent members: Reep Daggle, Ren Daggle
Ed's Notes: Alien shapeshifter extraordinaires. This would make an interesting template for either a PC or an NPC or even a villain. Could have a LOT of trouble with a reluctant-helper-type NPC with one of these guys.
2nd Edition does not include the Insta-change Advantage. (Though... with their power set it IS kind of redundant.)
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