Klarion the Witch Boy
Int: 5 Will: 8 Mind: 8
Infl: 6 Aura: 7 Spirit: 8
Initiative: 15 Hero Points: 80
Powers: *Mystic Link
Invulnerability: 12*
Sorcery: 14
Occultist: 11
Advantages: Iron Nerves; Luck
Drawbacks: Age (young)
Alter Ego: Klarion Bleak
Motivation: Thrill Seeker
Occupation: Warlock
Wealth: ?
Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition;
also see: Teekl, Tenzin Wyatt, Rage, C'th the Undying
Ed's Notes: I could see this guy being behind a long, annoying, prank-filled, trap-laden, curse-heavy adventure that implies a much more powerful villain, only to end with... "Its' a kid?!"
How does he not have the Connection, Buddy or Pet Advantage with Teekl?!
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