
Int: 5 Will: 2 Mind: 3
Infl: 3 Aura: 4 Spirit: 2
Initiative: 11 Hero Points: 40
Gadgetry: 8
Scientist: 9
Advantages: Genius; Scholar (computer design, meteorology)
Drawbacks: Serious Psychological Instability (believes he is the offspring of Greek Gods)
Alter Ego: Constantine Stratos
Motivation: Power Lust
Occupation: Computer Design Specialist
Wealth: 9
WEATHER CONTROL SATELLITE [Body: 12, Weather Control: 20, R#; 2]
Source: Superman: Man of Steel Sourcebook, page 75
foe of: Superman
Ed's Notes: So... Just blackmail the city for millions or you'll let loose with a hurricane? Create a drought and destroy crops? There should be stats for some kind of device to Control the Satellite? His evil lair also needs stats. BTW... I want you to be able to read that picture above, so here it a little bigger... Apparently this guy is a date-raping creep. (With Weird Al hair, no less.)
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