________________________________Dex: 11 Str: 13 Body: 10
Int: 6 Will: 11 Mind: 9
Infl: 6 Aura: 5 Spirit: 10
Initiative: 25 Hero Points: 95
Density Increase: 6
Energy Absorption: 3
Flame Immunity: 10
Ice Immunity: 10
Systematic Antidote: 10
Military Science (Tracking): 15
Weaponry: 13
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Apokolips); Connection: Apokolips (High); Iron Nerves; Lightning Reflexes; Sharp Eye
Alter Ego: Devilance
Motivation: Psychopath
Occupation: Assassin
Wealth: n/a
Lance [Dex: 10, Str: 11, Body: 15, Int: 2, Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 16, Energy Blast: 13, Flame Being: 13, Flight :10, Telepathy: 10] Bonus: At Pursuers command, can leap onto n opponent and grapple him. Limitation: Telepathy only allow the Lance to communicate with and receive commands from Pursuer.
Source: Apokolips Sourcebook, page 23
Ed's Notes: He's Darkseid's Boba Fett. How bad ass is THAT?!
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