Michael Gallant's Ghost
________________________________Dex: 8 Str: 8 Body: 8
Int: 8 Will: 8 Mind: 8
Infl: 8 Aura: 8 Spirit: 8
Initiative: 24 Hero Points: 0
Self Link (Spirit Travel): 15
Advantages: Connections: Captain Triumph (High); Miscellaneous: Is completely invisible and inaudible to everyone except for his brother, Lance Gallant
Drawbacks: Catastrophic Physical Restriction (deceased); Miscellaneous: Whenever his brother Lance touches his T-Shaped birthmark, the two become bound together, becoming Captain Triumph and Michael no longer acts on his own; Miscellaneous: Is completely invisible and inaudible to everyone except for his brother, Lance Gallant
Alter Ego: Michael Gallant
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Ghost
Wealth: n/a
Source: World at War Sourcebook, page 46
Ed's Notes: Michael's Ghost can only ever be used as an NPC, accompanying Lance as his silent, invisible partner on his adventures. The Stats above are how he is described in the WaW sourcebook. Which is... strange, because he's basically more powerful than Captain Triumph, who he joins with his brother to become.
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