Dex: 7 Str: 7 Body: 7
Int: 4 Will: 6 Mind: 4
Infl: 3 Aura: 3 Spirit: 5
Initiative: 16 Hero Points: 35
Claws: 8
Flight: 11
Martial Artist: 8
Military Science: 7
Weaponry: 8
Advantages: Iron Nerves
Drawbacks: Strange Appearance; Uncertainty
Alter Ego: Israel Harel
Motivation: Unwanted Power
Occupation: Reluctant Villain
Wealth: ?
Source: New Titans Sourcebook, page 123
foe of: Titans
affiliated with: Hybrid
Ed's Notes: Interesting character, from an interested team that can be re-interpreted several different ways. I have a feeling this sentiment is going to apply to every member of The Hybrid, so please don't be surprised if this note is cut-n-pasted several times almost exactly. Lol. And depending on what the GM decides to do with these guys, Steve Dayton/Mento can possible have ROYALLY screwed up in creating them. He's not considered a "Villain" per se, but could easily become a rather dangerous one, if the PC's hold him responsible for whatever the members of Hybrid do, and decide to try and take him in. Could make for a pretty cool campaign!
Also... Not a one of them has any Wealth rating listed in the NT Sourcebook. Is it "0?" Is THAT why they took to crime?! Lol.
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