Red Bee
Int: 7 Will: 6 Mind: 6
Infl: 6 Aura: 6 Spirit: 6
Initiative: 24 Hero Points: 40
Skills: *linked
Acrobatics: 7*
Animal Handling (Insects): 12
Detective: 7*
Martial Artist: 7*
Thief: 7*
Vehicles: 7*
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Superior City); Connections: Superior City Police Department (High); Intensive Training; Lightning Reflexes; Scholar (law, beekeeping); Sharp Eye
Alter Ego: Richard Raleigh
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Assistant District Attorney
Wealth: 7
BELT BUCKLE [Body: 6] Note: Within the belt buckle is kept a swarm of trained bees that he can unleash and command.
BEES [Dex: 14, Str: 1, Body: 2, Initiative: 14]
Source: World at War Sourcebook, page 64
affiliation(s): All-Star Squadron
Ed's Notes: If anyone is thinking that fighting crime with a "swarm" (small enough to fit in a BELT BUCKLE) of bees is a dumb idea, well, he once ranked fourth on a list of the crappiest superheroes in comic book history. So... YOU'RE NOT WRONG! In game terms, using critical blows and/or devastating attacks, the bees can take out (OV/RV) 2/2 and 3/3 mooks one at a time with reasonable rolls, and even small groups with good rolls. But... taking out low-level mooks is not exactly hard... unless you're trying to do so with a relatively small swarm of trained bees! Maybe somewhere out there is a nigh-unstoppable super-villain with a Fatal Vulnerability (Allergy) to Bee Stings. And ON THAT DAY...
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