Int: 4 Will: 6 Mind: 5
Infl: 6 Aura: 4 Spirit: 6
Initiative: 16 Hero Points: 35
Charisma: 6
Military Science: 5
Thief: 7
Weaponry: 6
Advantages: Connections: U.S. Armed Forces (European Theater/High); Gift of Gab; Rank (Lieutenant, provisional)
Drawbacks: Age (young)
Alter Ego: Uknown
Motivation: Responsibility of Power
Occupation: Soldier
Wealth: 2
Thompson SMG [Body: 4, AV: 5, EV: 5, Ammo: 5, Range: 5, R#: 3]
Grenades (x3) [Body: 6, Bomb: 8, R#: 2]
Source: World at War Sourcebook, page 97
affiliation(s): Boy Commandos
Ed's Notes: The Boy Commandos can be a fun little group, but the whole child soldier aspect could be challenging to handle appropriately. Because that's something that's usually associated with the bad guys. It's a war crime. So while these kids were clearly created to appeal to similarly aged readers and engage them, but... they're still child soldiers. "Brooklyn" was the tough-talking (slightly delusional) kid from... (you guessed it!) on the team.
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