Haumond the Peacemaker
Dex: 5 Str: 4 Body: 4
Int: 8 Will: 7 Mind: 7
Infl: 6 Aura: 5 Spirit: 5
Initiative:21/22 Hero Points: 25
Swimming: 4
Telepathy: 3
Water Freedom: 6
Martial Artist: 5
Weaponry: 5
Advantages: Connections: Atlantis (High), Egypt (High); Scholar (Atlantean history)
Drawbacks: Guilt; innocent; Uncertainty
Alter Ego: none
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Soldier, later Priest
Wealth: 2
Source: Atlas of the DC Universe, page 84
Ed's Notes: Mayfair did a really thorough job with the ADCU. They wrote up an entire history of Atlantis, including several of the major characters from ancient time. Haumond was a son of Honsu the Conqueror. He was left behind after his father's failed attempt to conquer ancient Egypt. The picture above is of him in has later years, as a priest.
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