Dex: 6 Str: 3 Body: 4
Int: 6 Will: 5 Mind: 5
Infl: 6 Aura: 5 Spirit: 7
Initiative: 18 Hero Points: 40
Density Increase: 9
Dispersal: 9
Gravity Decrease: 9
Gravity Increase: 9
Teleportation: 7
Thief: 6
Bonuses: Density Increase and Dispersal are both Usable on Others: To use either of these Powers on an unwilling target, Kono must make a success Action Check against the target's Body/Body. To use Density Increase on either herself or another, Kono must use equal AP's of Density decrease on a nearby object, and vice versa. To use Dispersal on herself or another, Kono must use Density Increase on a nearby object and vice versa.
Limitations: Miscellaneous: Teleportation
is only usable to remove small objects from another's person and transfer them to Kono; Miscellaneous: When using her Powers, Kono clothes disappear unless she exercises extreme concentration - no action other than using her Powers are possible while she is concentrating in this fashion.)
Advantages: Connections: Legion of Superheroes (High), Jo-Nah's smuggling ring (High)
Drawbacks: Minor Irrational Attractions to rebelling against authority and male domination.
Alter Ego: Brita An'nan
Motivation: Thrill of Adventure
Occupation: Rebel
Wealth: 3
Source: 3rd Edition Who's Who; 2995 Legion of Superheroes Sourcebook, page 73
Ed's Notes: She seems nice. Lol
First Appearance: Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 4 #2 (December, 1989) |
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