Dex: 4 Str: 4 Body: 4
Int: 6 Will: 6 Mind: 7
Infl: 7 Aura: 8 Spirit: 8
Initiative: 19 Hero Points: 40
Sorcery: 10
Martial Artist: 5
Occultist: 5
Limitations: Sorcery always manifests itself in some sort of "dragon" pattern. For instance, if he wanted to use his Sorcery for Ice Production, it would appear as a dragon that breathed front.
Drawbacks: Uncertainty
Alter Ego: Xao Jin
Motivation: Responsibility of Power
Occupation: Legionnaire
Wealth: 5
Source: 2995 Legion of Superheroes Sourcebook, pages 84
affiliation: Legionaries
Ed's Notes: Cool example of a lower-to-mid-powered Sorcerer character.
First Appearance: Legion of Super-Heroes vol. 4 #33 (September, 1992) |
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