__________________________________________Class: Physical Link: Dex
Range: Self Type: Auto
Base Cost: 0 Factor Cost: 2
Description: This Power allows a Character to move across level ground (and /or other surfaces that are normally traversable by the Character) at extreme speed. The distance per phase that a Character who possesses Running can move is equal to their AP's or Running.
AP's Distance Speed
0 10 feet 1.7 mph
1 20 feet 3.4 mph
2 40 feet 6.8 mph
3 80 feet 13.6 mph
4 150 feet 25.6 mph
5 100 yards 51.1 mph
6 200 yards 102 mph
7 1/8 mile 113 mph
8 1/4 mile 225 mph
9 1/2 mile 450 mph
10 1 mile 900 mph, >Mach 1
11 2 miles 1800 mph
12 4 miles 3600 mph
13 8 miles 7200 mph
14 16 miles 14,400 mph
15 30 miles 27,000 mph
16 60 miles 54,000 mph
17 125 miles 112,500 mph
18 250 miles 225,000 mph
19 500 miles 500,000 mph
20 1000 miles 900,000 mph
... ... ...
30 ~1M miles 921M mph, >c
Additionally, AP's of running can be substituted for the attacker's EV in a Charging Attack. This also serves as the EV used against the Character's Body (as RV) to determine how much damage they also sustain from the attack.
Source: 3rd Edition Rulebook, pages 49 (Power), 94 (AP Benchmarks), 103 (Charging Attack)
Ed's Notes: Officially, there is no Benchmark Table in DCH for SPEED. Just distance. And time. And "1 phase" = "0 AP's of time" = 4 seconds. So one CAN give an approximate benchmark for speed based on THAT. Over in the Flight write-up, I talk about a problem with the distance (and thus speed) benchmarks between 6 and 7 AP's: Basically that 200 yards and 1/8 of a mile are almost the same thing.
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