A.R.G.U.S. Agent

A.R.G.U.S. Agent
Dex:   3   Str:   2   Body:    2
Int:   3   Will:  2   Mind:    3
Infl:  2   Aura:  2   Spirit:  3
Initiative:  8  Hero Points:   3

Medicine (First Aid): 2
Vehicles: 3
Weaponry: 2

Advantages: Connection: A.R.G.U.S. (Low)

Alter Ego: varies
Motivation: Responsibility of Power
Occupation: Government Agents
Wealth: 4


Hand Grenade [Body: 1, Bomb: 7, R#: 3]

Laser Rifle [Body: 4, AV: 4, EV: 4, Range 7, Ammo 10, R#2]

Source: Adapted from Arrow Earth

Ed's Notes: ARGUS is something that I want to incorporate more into my games.  The write-up above comes almost directly from the source website. I could see certain, individual agents having 1-4 additional skills, depending on their specialty:

Acrobatics: 2
Detective: 4
Gadgetry: 3
Martial Artist: 3
Military Science: 4
Scientist: 3
Thief: 4

And some could be merely armed with a sidearm:

Laser Pistol [Body: 4, AV: 3, EV: 4, Range 6, Ammo 10, R#2]

All and all though, they do seem a bit lower rent than Checkmate Knights.

First Appearance: Justice League Vol 2 #7 (May, 2012)

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