Dial "H" for Hero II

Dial "H" for Hero II
Dex:   3   Str:   2   Body:    2
Int:   3   Will:  4   Mind:    4
Infl:  3   Aura:  2   Spirit:  3
Initiative: 9   Hero Points:  50

Omni-Power: 20

Advantages: Connections: New Titans (Low), Titans West (High), Fairfax Police Dept. (Low)

Drawbacks:  Guilt; Secret Identity

Alter Ego: Christopher King
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Hero
Wealth: 3

Sample Heroes:

Alchemiss [Air Control: 5, Earth Control: 5, Flame Control: 5, Water Control: 5]

Aniwoman [Animate Objects: 12]

Brimstone [Flame Project: 8]

Color Commando [Energy Blast 10]

Composite Man [Split: 20]

Enlarger Man [Growth: 10] Bonus: Range, usable on others

Hasty Pudding [Running: 11]

Rubberneck [Stretching: 5]

Scylla [Extra Limb (x6): 6, Energy Blast: 8]

Mr. Thin [Stretching: 7, Two-Dimensional: 4]

Thumbelina [Shrinking: 12]

The Weaver [Force Manipulation: 10]

Zeep the Bouncing Sponge [Jumping: 3]

Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition
Rogues: Dial "H" for Hero III
also see: Dial "H" for Hero IYear One

Ed's Notes: Apparently he used his H-Dial so much the powers just rubbed off on him. This lot should get together with Crazy Jane. Not surprisingly, some of those forms are a lot better than others.  Maybe a randomization table is needed? Otherwise, forms at GM's discretion according to what the plot needs? (Or comic relief? Lol) Also, to make this work, I THINK Dial "H" II needs the same bonus as Crazy Jane's Omni-Power: 

Bonus: Omni-Power can be used to boost Attributes.

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