Dex: 5 Str: 4 Body: 4
Int: 10 Will: 5 Mind: 4
Infl: 8 Aura: 4 Spirit: 6
Initiative: 25 Hero Points: 65
Artist (Actor): 6
Charisma: 7
Martial Artist: 6
Thief: 6
Vehicles: 6
Weaponry: 7
Advantages: Connection: Underworld (High); Leadership; Scholar (Puzzles, Riddles)
Drawbacks: Catastrophic Irrational Attraction to riddles, puzzles and riddle motif crimes
Alter Ego: Edward Nashton, Edward Nigma
Motivation: Mercenary
Occupation: Criminal (Former Teacher)
Wealth: 4
Puzzle Piece Bombs (x5) [Body: 1, Bomb: 6, R#: 2] Explode on contact.
Question Mark Pistol [Body: 4, EV: 3, Ammo: 6, R#: 5]
Source: Who's Who 3rd Edition; 2nd Edition Background/Roster Book page 88; Batman Sourcebook page 63; Batman RPG page 150
Also see: 2nd Edition
foe of: Batman
affiliation(s): Legion of Doom
Ed's Notes: The only difference in the 3rd Edition is that his wealth was lowered from 7 to 4 and they added the equipment. (None of which I've ever seen used in the comic, btw. Lol)
First Appearance: Detective Comics #140 (October, 1948) |
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