Wonder Woman
________________________________Dex: 13 Str: 16 Body: 13
Int: 9 Will: 12 Mind: 10
Infl: 10 Aura: 9 Spirit: 10
Initiative: 36 Hero Points: 150
Directional Hearing: 4
Flight: 14
Running: 7
Swimming: 6
Telescopic Vision: 3
Acrobatics: 11
Animal Handling: 8
Charisma (Persuasion): 12
Martial Artist: 12
Military Science (Tracking): 10
Weaponry: 13
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Themyscira); Attractive; Buddy (Julia Kapatelis); Connections: Gods of Olympus (Low), Justice League International (High), Superman (High), Themyscira (High), United Nations (Low), U.S. Army (Low); Iron nerves; Lightning Reflexes; Scholar (ancient Greek and Themysciran languages, Greek Mythology)
Drawbacks: Public Identity; Miscellaneous: Diana still does fully comprehend the world outside Paradise Island; Diana's RV drops to 4 against Killing Combat, but she may use Martial Artist to augment it as normal.
Alter Ego: Princess Diana of Themyscira
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Warrior Princess, Ambassador
Wealth: 5
Lasso of Truth [Str: 15, Body: 35, Animal Control:15, Control: 15] Limitation: Control can only be used to make ensnared target tell the truth; Animal Control can only ward off or corral beasts.
BRACELETS [Body: 30]
SANDALS OF HERMES [Str 8, Body: 8, Teleportation: 23] Limitation: Sandals can only Teleport to and from Paradise Island.
Tiara [Body: 12, EV: 7, Gliding: 1] Limitation: Wonder Woman automatically enters Killing Combat if she throws her razor-sharp tiara at a living target.
Source: 3rd Edition Rulebook, page 165; Who's Who 3rd Edition
Rogues Gallery
Supporting Cast
Also see: 2nd Edition, Golden Age
affiliation(s): Justice League of America
Ed's Notes: This version is basically identical to the 2nd Edition. I would change her Justice League Connection to the Justice League of America (High), and it seems appropriate to add:
Advantages: Sidekick (Wonder Girl)
And... 3rd Edition lowered the Control on her Lasso, but I'm assuming that's a typo. Control of 5 would be next to useless against anyone other than thugs and Supporting Cast. And the Lasso's Power should be POWERFUL.
First Appearance: All Star Comics #8 (December-January 1941) |
Wonder Woman Wonder Woman Wonder Woman Wonder Woman
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