
Int: 7 Will: 4 Mind: 4
Infl: 4 Aura: 4 Spirit: 3
Initiative: 16 Hero Points: 40
Gadgetry: 7
Thief: 4
Weaponry (Exotic): 7
Advantages: Connections: Flash's Rogues Gallery (High); Scholar (thermodynamics)
Drawbacks: Minor Irrational Fear of cold; Mistrust
Alter Ego: Mick Rory
Motivation: Responsibility of Power (formerly: Mercenary)
Occupation: Inventor Firefighter
Wealth: 3
Heat Gun [Body: 5, Flame Project: 13, Heat Vision: 10] Bonus: Heat Vision has an Area Effect; Limitation: Flame Project has a maximum Range of 1 AP.
INSULATED COSTUME [Body 4, Flame Immunity: 6]
Firefighting Device [Body: 6, Flame Control: 8, R#: 3] Power Restriction: Flame Control can only be used to decrease the intensity and volume of flames.
Source: Who's Who 3rd Edition
Foe of: Flash
Ed's Notes: An almost exact mirror-image of Captain Cold. Lol. And why is it that almost all Flash Villains are basically (statistically speaking) just Batman villains with better Weapons? He did a heel-face turn at one point, but more fun to use for the first time as a villain, I'd think.
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