
This is a page of various, low-level mooks, who are not affiliated with larger organizations.  Most of these are interchangeable, and can be used for other street-level thugs as well.

Average Thug
(Batman Role Playing Game, page 152)
Dex:   2   Str:   2   Body:    2
Int:   2   Will:  2   Mind:    2
Infl:  2   Aura:  2   Spirit:  2
Initiative:  6  Hero Points:   0
Vehicles: 2
Weaponry: 2

Advantages: Connection: Street (Low)
Wealth: 1
Assorted Knives [Body: 5, EV: 3] (3rd Edition Sourcebook, page 122)
& Clubs [Body: 3, EV: 3] (3rd Edition Sourcebook, page 122)

Elite Thug / Mob Boss
(Batman Role Playing Game, page 152)
Dex:   5   Str:   3   Body:    4
Int:   4   Will:  3   Mind:    3
Infl:  4   Aura:  3   Spirit:  4
Initiative: 15  Hero Points:  15
Martial Artist: 4
Military Science: 4
Thief: 4
Vehicles: 5
Weaponry: 5

Advantages: Area Knowledge (City of Residence); Connections: Street (High), Underworld (High); Lightning Reflexes
Wealth: 4

Various Automatic Weapons  [Body: 4, AV: 5, EV: 5, Range: 5, Ammo: 4, R#: 3] (3rd Edition Rulebook, page 123)

Experienced Thug
(Batman Role Playing Game, page 152)
Dex:   4   Str:   2   Body:    3
Int:   3   Will:  3   Mind:    3
Infl:  3   Aura:  3   Spirit:  4
Initiative: 10  Hero Points:  10
Martial Artist: 4
Thief: 3
Vehicles: 4
Weaponry: 4

Advantages: Connections: Street (High), Underworld (Low); Scholar (street crime)
Wealth: 2

Various Guns  [Body: 4, EV: 4, Range: 5, Ammo: 7, R#: 3] (3rd Edition Rulebook, page 123)
& Weapons [Body: 6, EV: 4] (Sword, from 3rd Edition Rulebook, page 122)

Good Thug
(Batman Role Playing Game, page 152)
Dex:   3   Str:   2   Body:    3
Int:   3   Will:  2   Mind:    2
Infl:  2   Aura:  2   Spirit:  2
Initiative:  6  Hero Points:   5
Vehicles: 3
Weaponry: 3

Advantages: Connections: Street (Low), Underworld (Low)
Wealth: 2

Assorted Knives [Body: 5, EV: 3] (3rd Edition Sourcebook, page 122)
& Guns [Body: 4, EV: 3, Range: 4, Ammo: 6, R#: 3] (3rd Edition Rulebook, page 123)

Blood's Troops
(New Titans Sourcebook, page 118)
Dex:   2   Str:   2   Body:    2
Int:   2   Will:  2   Mind:    2
Infl:  2   Aura:  2   Spirit:  2
Initiative:  8  Hero Points:   5
Martial Artist: 4
Vehicles: 4
Weaponry: 4

Motivation: Mercenary
Occupation: Security

Laser Pistol [Body: 4, AV: 3, EV: 4, Ammo: 10, R#: 2]

Hugo Strange's Thugs 
(Who's Who, 3rd Edition)
Dex:   3   Str:   3   Body:    3
Int:   2   Will:  2   Mind:    2
Infl:  2   Aura:  2   Spirit:  3
Initiative:  9  Hero Points:   0
Martial Artist: 4
Vehicles: 3
Weaponry: 4

Joker's Thugs
(Who's Who, 3rd Edition)
Dex:   3   Str:   3   Body:    3
Int:   2   Will:  2   Mind:    2
Infl:  2   Aura:  2   Spirit:  3
Initiative:  9  Hero Points:   0
Martial Artist: 4
Vehicles: 3
Weaponry: 4

The Key's Key-Men
(Justice League Sourcebook, page 86)
Dex:   4   Str:   4   Body:    4
Int:   4   Will:  4   Mind:    4
Infl:  4   Aura:  4   Spirit:  4
Initiative:  14  Hero Points:   0
Martial Artist: 4
Weaponry: 4

(DC Heroes RPG, 3rd Edition, pages 15-16)
Dex:   3   Str:   3   Body:    3
Int:   3   Will:  3   Mind:    3
Infl:  3   Aura:  3   Spirit:  3
Initiative:  9  Hero Points:   0
Knife [Body: 2, EV: 4]
Baseball Bat [Body: 1, EV: 4]

Typical Hooligan (at the Ace O'Clubs)
(Who's Who, 3rd Edition)
Dex:   3   Str:   3   Body:    3
Int:   1   Will:  2   Mind:    2
Infl:  2   Aura:  2   Spirit:  2
Initiative:  6  Hero Points:   5
Weaponry (Melee): 3

Advantages: Area Knowledge (Metropolis Docks); Connection: Street (Low)
Broken Bottle [Body: 1, EV: 2]
Chair/Table [Body: 2, EV: 3]

Typical Ra's al Ghul Follower
(Who's Who, 3rd Edition)
Dex:   4   Str:   4   Body:    4
Int:   3   Will:  3   Mind:    4
Infl:  2   Aura:  2   Spirit:  5
Initiative: 11  Hero Points:   5
Martial Artist: 5
Thief: 4

Advantages: Connections: Ra's al Ghul (Low)
Drawbacks: Serious Irrational Attraction to obeying Ra's without question
Motivation: Mercenary
Occupation: Criminal
Wealth: 5

Average Royal Flush Gang Foot Soldier 
(Who's Who, 3rd Edition)
Dex:   4   Str:   3   Body:    3
Int:   3   Will:  2   Mind:    2
Infl:  2   Aura:  3   Spirit:  2
Initiative: 11  Hero Points:  55 <--possible error. 5, maybe?
Acrobatics: 5
Martial Artist: 5
Weaponry: 5
2-Way Headset Radio [Body: 2, Telepathy: 14, R#: 2] Limitations: Telepathy represents range of radio. Bomb represent self-destruct device.
Blaster Pistol [Body: 4, EV: 9, R#: 2]
8 AP ABC Omni-Cards (x2)

Scarecrow's Thugs
(Who's Who, 3rd Edition)
Dex:   3   Str:   3   Body:    3
Int:   2   Will:  2   Mind:    2
Infl:  2   Aura:  2   Spirit:  3
Initiative:  9  Hero Points:   0
Vehicles: 3
Weaponry: 4

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