
Int: 5 Will: 4 Mind: 4
Infl: 5 Aura: 4 Spirit: 4
Initiative: 17 Hero Points: 50
Heat Vision: 7
Acrobatics: 3
Charisma: 6
Martial Artist: 5
Drawbacks: Serious Irrational Fear: Jack believes he is considered ugly by all women because of his laser eye.
Alter Ego: Unknown
Motivation: Mercenary
Occupation: Criminal
Wealth: 4
FLYING CARD [Body: 5, Flight: 8]
Blaster Pistol [Body: 4, EV: 9, R#: 2]
8 AP ABC Omni-Cards (x2)
Source: Who's Who 3rd Edition; Justice League Sourcebook, page: 87
foe of: JLA
also see: Royal Flush Gang
Ed's Notes: A member of the most over-overrated villain team-up in comic book history, the Royal Flush Gang. How the hell can these fools take on the JLA?! Take out Ace and they're physically Batman villains that are about as smart as Flash villains.
The JL Sourcebook leaves off his Heat Vision and Laser Eye Drawback, and give him an Aura of 5. It also gives him:
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