Mad Hatter II
Int: 7 Will: 5 Mind: 4
Infl: 3 Aura: 4 Spirit: 4
Initiative: 12 Hero Points: 50
Artist (actor): 4
Gadgetry: 10
Martial Artist: 3
Scientist: 3
Thief: 5
Weaponry: 3
Advantages: Genius
Drawbacks: Serious Irrational Attraction to stealing valuable hats and committing crimes with hat theme.
Alter Ego: "Jervis Tetch"
Motivation: Mercenary
Occupation: Criminal
Wealth: 7
Archer Hat [Body: 4, Str: 7, EV: 3, Gliding: 2] Project a clamp that pulls object towards the wearer.
Ball Bowler [Body: 3, Growth: 6] Discharges a ball with Body: 4 that grows in size.
Chef's Hat [Body: 0, Jumping: 4] Hat has inner spring that wearer can jump on like a trampoline.
Fire Hat [Body: 2, Fog:7]
Magician's Hat [Body:1] Contains various magic tricks, such as:
Knock Out Gas Flowers [Poison Touch: 7]
Exploding Bunny [Bomb: 7]
Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition
foe of: Batman
Ed's Notes: At first I thought this guy was a complete waste. An impostor who impersonates a lower like the Mad Hatter?! What a tool. BUT... looking at him, he's significantly BETTER than the original. Too bad he's dead.
Both Mad Hatter pictures you have are of the first one, the real Jervis Tetch. The second one looks like David Wayne did playing him in the Adam West Series.