Dex: 3 Str: 3 Body: 3
Int: 11 Will: 8 Mind: 8
Infl: 9 Aura: 8 Spirit: 8
Initiative: 23 Hero Points: 35
Charisma: 10
Detective: 8
Weaponry: 3
Advantages: Connection: Checkmate (Low), Republican Party (High), Suicide Squad (High), Task Force X (High), U.S. Government (High); Iron Nerves; Leadership; Omni Connection; Scholar (bureaucracy, politics)
Alter Ego: the "Wall" (nickname)
Motivation: Seeking Justice
Occupation: Director of Task Force X
Wealth: 9
Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition; 2nd Edition Background/Roster Book, page 18
Ed's Notes: The woman everyone loves to hate is living proof that Super Powers aren't everything. For the record, I HATE this character as a person, and feel that "Mercenary" and "Power Lust" would also fit as Motivations. That said, I felt that Viola Davis' portrayal of The Wall was one of the brighter spots in the Suicide Squad movie. 2nd Edition lists her Wealth at 6.
First Appearance: Legends #1 (November, 1986) |
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