2nd Edition

Int: 6 Will: 7 Mind: 7
Infl: 5 Aura: 3 Spirit: 6
Initiative: 22 Hero Points: 30
Sealed Systems: 9
Skin Armor: 3
Speak with Animals: 3
Telescopic Vision: 4
Martial Artist: 7
Military Science: 6
Vehicles (Space): 5
Weaponry: 7
Limitations: Speak with Animal only works on birds
Advantages: Lightning Reflexes; Iron Nerves
Motivation: Seeking Justice
Occupation: Police Officers (on Thanagar)
Wealth: Varies
ANTI-GRAV BELT [Body: 10, Gravity Decrease: 7] Limitation: Gravity Decrease only allows user to hover in place and lift great weights.
Laser Rifle [Body: 4, AV: 4, EV: 4, Ammo: 10, R#: 2]
Mace [Body: 9, EV: 5]
Wings [Str: 6, Body 10, Air Control: 4, Flight: 8] Limitations: Wings will not function unless user is wearing the Anti-Grav belt.
Source: 2nd Edition Background/Roster Book, page 96; Atlas of the DC Universe, pages 125-126
also see: 3rd Edition, Byth
Ed's Notes: OK, this officially marks the first time I'm specifically doing a 2nd Edition Version post of a Character that there was a 3rd Edition page for. I just like THESE GUYS so much better than what we had in the 3rd Edition. Basically a "Hawkman II" preference over "Hawkman III." THIS is the version I'd run. Plus they kick a LOT more ass, Lol.
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